
An Introduction

Hello and welcome to my new website. I live 400m from the best beach in the UK (empirically evidenced) and spend my...

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The Nature Effect

‘Perhaps nature really does affect you that way.’ A comment scrawled in red on my second-year English essay. I can’t remember what...

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Embo beach rainbow copyright DR Ross

Writing Rainbows

I have always loved rainbows. When I was a teenager I had a rainbow poster, and when I went to college I...

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Writing Poetry Stock photos by Vecteezy

A Month of Poetry

I haven’t done it every day,  but aiming to write 30 poems in 30 days is an  interesting challenge to try,  and seeing other peoples’...

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Musings on a Writing Life

Ten years ago I wouldn’t have had the nerve to write about writing, despite being a life long writer. I don’t make...

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A pile of books stacked vertically

Every Writer Should be a Reader

It is possible to be a writer without ever having read a book, of course it is.  Some people don’t have access to...

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We Are All Storytellers

I am privileged to know a lot of creative people: writers, artists, musicians and makers of all sorts. My belief is that we...

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Typewriter with once upon a time

Progress of a Novel

Words written so far this week: 500. Don’t laugh, or pity me for that matter. That’s fine. It’s something more than nothing...

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Writing is Easy

Writing is easy for me. It always has been. I was a pretty dysfunctional kid, with lots of hang ups and I...

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